Balance Holistics Uncategorized The 3 Critical Considerations For Your SEO Strategy In 2022

The 3 Critical Considerations For Your SEO Strategy In 2022

As you move forward through the year 2022,it is essential that you acknowledge the importance of an SEO strategy that is well-organized,based on research,and takes into account a plethora of ranking variables. Keep reading to learn about five factors in this post that will be crucial in the upcoming year.

Back in September 2021,Google had an 87 percent market share. Google is an accepted market leader due to this. A well-rounded approach will also have an affect on secondary search engine rankings,such as those in Bing,Yahoo,DuckDuckGo,Ecosia,and so on.

1. Expertise,Authority,and Trust (EAT)

The quality of the content on a website is determined by a combination of three different ranking factors,which are referred to collectively as “EAT.” These factors are expertise,authority,and trust. The esteemed SEO Periodic Table,which was published by Search Engine Land and is a part of Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines,cites EAT as one of the most crucial ranking factors. This citation can also be found in Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines.

The improvements that Google is making to BERT (2019) and MUM (2021) demonstrate that the company is committed to providing users with highly relevant content that is derived from limited keyword data. Companies like Currier Marketing Agency that concentrate on maximizing EAT components are ideally positioned to meet Google’s requirements for quality content. 

2. Core Web Vitals

One of the best algorithm updates of 2021 is Google’s “page experience update,” which is anticipated to have an impact well into and after 2022. Google stated that it would complete integrating page experience ranking signals to desktop sites by February 2022.

Google defines the update as “Page experience is a set of signals that quantify how users perceive the experience of engaging with a web page beyond its sheer information value.”.

The upgrade focuses on three user experience features,generally referred to as “Core Web Vitals,” as well as a number of elements: greatest contentful paint,first input latency,and cumulative layout change. If these on-site components are taken into account,user experience will be maximized above EAT-based ranking criteria.

3. Link Building and Citations

One of Google’s oldest and most fundamental methods of developing a site’s reputation is link building,which is still a significant ranking component. Citations are the local businesses’ equivalents to links.

There are no indicators to imply that link building will no longer be a significant part of SEO efforts by 2022. When taking an active approach toward link-building (which will frequently take the form of outreach),three criteria are important:

  • Quality: Those from reliable,high-quality websites are given significantly more weight than links from inferior sources. ,
  • Quantity: In general,you want to build as many linkages as you can. ,
  • Anchor text: Build a diverse and pertinent anchor text profile as your primary goal.


It is easy to fall victim to the fallacy that there are no constants in SEO. The reality is that,ranking variables shift far more incrementally than many firms think.

The fundamental principles of user-centered site design,high-quality content,and citation-based trust haven’t changed much since Google began operating online.

When creating your SEO strategy,you ought to consider this. Even if specific technical requirements shift,the long-term success — in 2022 and even beyond — will be ensured by carefully laid foundation that puts the user experience above all else.